Watch the video: Building A Bridge To Somewhere: Farm To School about a farmer that builds a bridge (metaphorically speaking) from his fields to the school lunchroom cafeterias.
Ingredients to make yogurt smoothie:
- 3 cups Vanilla Yogurt
- 1 ½ cups Strawberries; frozen, sweetened, and sliced
- 1 cup Blueberries; frozen and unsweetened
- 1 medium (7″ to 7-7/8″) Banana
- 1 ½ cups orange juice
- In blender add Orange Juice, Yogurt, Frozen Berries and banana.
- Blend to smooth
- Pour into 8 oz glasses
- Enjoy!
- Optional:
Another idea, pour blended smoothie into ice cube trays and freeze. As the smoothie sets up put popsicle sticks into semi solid cubes and freeze until set. Enjoy a smoothie pop!
Yield: Number of Portions: 8; Size of Portions: 8 oz serving
Recipe courtesy of Katrina Wiest, Bend LaPine Schools Nutrition Services