Kelly Myers, of Xico (pronounced “chee-ko”) in Portland, demonstrates how to make a quick variation of enchiladas that she refers to as ‘street style’. In addition, Meyers shows us how to make an adobo sauce from scratch using dried chilies.
Anthony Boutard is both a mischievous character, and a serious farmer who methodically indulges his personal culinary tastes in what he chooses to grow. His life-long love of corn led Boutard to seek out a superior corn to grow in order to produce an excellent (not just good) cornbread. In turn, that effort took a surprising turn as he became more engrossed in selecting new varieties of corn to plant each year in his field. His field work, and ongoing research on the subject of corn also led to a book he wrote, and that has just been published: Beautiful Corn. One of the chapters from his book will be posted Monday, November 5th on Cooking Up a Story: https://cookingupastory.com
After harvest, farmers often disk under the crops for the winter, and leave them undisturbed until Spring. Not so, at Boutard’s Ayers Creek farm- at least not in the cornfield. The corn is left standing, their long stalks dried and yellowing, continue to rustle in the wind. Among the leaves, and the rows of remaining stalks, an abundance of life is both below and above the ground’s surface. The birds fly in over winter, the occasional fox, and the spiders too come by—that is precisely the point of letting the corn stalks remain just in their place.