The most recent news about Coca-Cola sets the stage for the desire to express my own appreciation of Big Money and their unrivaled prowess at shaping public opinion.
I believe that all of society owes an unique debt of gratitude to the often maligned, global transnational corporation. Without their relentless drive, talent and passion to create a profitable economic planet—often in the face of a hostile press and an unappreciative consumer, we would be nowhere close to the likes of where we are today.
Thanks to the generous contributions from major corporations and billionaire philanthropists who also provide invaluable aid to our politicians, we celebrate some of their past and more recent contributions to society:
A few of their notable true lies:
The epidemic of obesity has little to do with what we eat and drink. Sugar, in particular, is something we can consume in large amounts without worry. One caveat though, we need to regularly exercise to keep in healthy shape.
Closer to reality:
- Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets
(NYT) - Sugar is now enemy number one in the western diet
(The Guardian)
Climate change is not a reason to be concerned. The entire premise that the monumental rise of CO2 and other so-called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is a false concern. These gases are actually beneficial for the planet and essential for all living organisms.
Closer to reality:
- Move to Fight Obama’s Climate Plan Started Early
(New York Times) - Exxon knew of climate change in 1981, email says – but it funded deniers for 27 more years
(The Guardian)
An entire class of chemicals used in agriculture—broadly referred to as pesticides—only kill and cause harm to their intended targets. Without these chemical troopers, hunger and food insecurity would exist throughout the world.
Closer to reality:
- The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -FAO) - Can Organic Food Feed the World?
(Wall Street Journal-2 different arguments, you decide.) - Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?
(Worldwatch Institute)
Other chemicals, like those used in bed mattresses and upholstery furniture to prevent unintended home fires (largely from smokers), are also harmless. Their persistent presence in minute quantities in almost every living human on the planet, only stands as a testament to our capabilities for scientific measurement, not any indication of harm.
closer to reality:
- Chemical companies, Big Tobacco and the toxic products in your home
(Chicago Tribune Investigative series)
Smoking improves your health, just ask your doctor. The number 1 concern of big tobacco is protection of public health.
Closer to reality:
- The Perils of Ignoring History: Big Tobacco Played Dirty and Millions Died. How Similar Is Big Food? (National Library of Medicine)
To the Corporation for all you have given us, and in particular, your continuing contributions to science in the public interest—I salute you!