If you are a food grower, it’s that time of year, again! Either you’re anxiously awaiting your seed order delivery, or you’re still pondering what will I grow this year. It doesn’t really matter if you only have a few pots on the patio or several beds in the backyard…planning and planting is imperative. And so goes it for this journalist, Sara Lipka. With a love of seed catalogs and a keen urge to grow food, she (and her boyfriend) find some ground via his alma mater, and begin the process – to not only grow food for themselves, but primarily for the school kids!
“We paged through the catalogs again and again. Carwile’s Virginia Peanuts, it turned out, had been given by a traveler to an eight-year-old boy around 1910. St. Valery carrots, sweet and tender, dated back to 1880s France. Black Mexican corn was derived from an Iroquois variety. And the tomatoes—oh, the tomatoes. The pages of delicious descriptions were so tempting that in order to keep from getting overwhelmed or carried away, I had to stop. Close the catalog. Take a deep breath.”
What a great idea! Maybe this will catch on for other farmers-without-land and schools-without-farmers.
via @Atlantic_Food