September 15, 2011 Many of us may have succumbed over the years to fast food – it’s cheap and it’s, well, fast! But too many rely on it as a go to source for an inexpensive meal, and over the long-term, that is not a healthy thing…for our bodies, for the animals that were raised for this food, and for the environment. Cooking a healthy meal from wholesome ingredients and sharing it with family and friends was once a daily part of our lives. But these days with both parents working, or in some cases having lost a job, shortcuts are sought to save money and time when it comes to meals. People buy prepackaged entrees or a bucket of food-like-edibles on their way home.
Slow Food USA is hoping to bring awareness to preparing homecooked meals for less than $5 a person by initiating a $5 Challenge on Saturday, September 17th:
“The goal is to take back the ‘value meal’ – because slow food shouldn’t have to cost more than fast food. We’re asking people to share what they do in their kitchens and with their families to cook fresh, healthy food on a budget. Together, we’re learning what works, what doesn’t, and what needs to change in order to make good food affordable and available for everyone.”
Take the pledge, find a hosted event near you, get recipes for meals under $5, and bring back fresh food to your family table – “because slow food shouldn’t have to cost more than fast food.”
h/t @EcoCentered post: Slow Food USA’s $5 Challenge: Eating Sustainably on a Budget